Using garments as ice breakers to start positive conversations around issues that often get swept under the carpet.
be courageous, be real, be BALLSY!
Fashion is something I've always been passionate about and I guess since sharing my own experiences and journey with others, raising awareness for mental health, in particular for men, is something I hold close to my heart.
This journey is a roller coaster man and I still have times when I feel low but I'm truly grateful that it has given me the opportunity to gain a better insight into not only my mental well-being, but my personal growth too.
My Story has lead me on this journey that allows me to merge my passions together and create something unique, something that is meaningful and that can have a positive influence on our local and wider community.
As a husband and father of two boys, I knew it was time for change.
I'm not perfect, I'm far from it, but I can now understand my triggers and can openly converse about my feelings. The biggest thing that helped me was acknowledging that there is a problem, developing the strength to open up and be ballsy enough to share, be vulnerable and understand that this is a powerful thing and all part of the healing process.
As a male it is something we tend to shy away from, afraid of the stigma, the shame and fear of feeling WEAK.
It's time to be part of a positive change - change that involves men speaking up about their own experiences so they can feel confident and proud to seek the help and support needed.
We need to encourage, embrace and support one another, normalise these sorts of conversations and bring light to something that far too often, gets swept under the carpet and like Tupac said:
''The old way wasn't working, so its on us to do, what we gotta do, to survive".
I'm not a mental health professional, nor do I claim to be, but I know enough through my experiences to realise that its time to change our systems and our thought patterns - time to break the stigma heavily associated with not only men's mental health and what it means to be a "man", but Mental Health and well-being in general.
Join our journey and lets be part of a generation that speaks openly about mental health.
"O le tele o sulu e maua ai se figota e mama se se avega pe a ta amo fa'atasi"
My strength does not come from me alone, but from many.
Fa'afetai lava - Thank you
Rob Gaitau